Frequently Asked Questions

  • Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) is range of housing that has been designed for people with extreme functional impairment or very high needs.

    SDA housing receives special funding from the NDIS.

    SDA homes are designed and constructed to be more accessible for you, and to enable you to receive your supports services at home

    Further information can be found here.

  • The NDIS provides SDA funding for people with extreme functional impairment or very high support needs.

    Click here for further information

    If you are assessed as requiring SDA, the funding will be included in your NDIS plan to cover any disability related housing costs that are above the ordinary costs of housing.

    SDA funding covers the cost of the home or building you live in. You may still need to pay rent or other personal costs to live in an SDA home. It also does not include the services or support you may receive in that home.

    Summer Foundation has a great article on SDA eligibility here.

  • Rent for SDA housing is set by the NDIS. You can find out more information on the NDIS website.

    As a tenant living in a home by The Independent Living Company the rent you will pay is set according to the Reasonable Rent Contribution (RRC) calculation outlined in the NDIA’s Terms of Business.

  • The home is leased directly to NDIS Participants with SDA in their plan – not Service Providers or SILs.

    The Independent Living Company retain ownership of the home, essentially acting as landlord and property manager.

    Tenants will enter into a lease agreement with The Independent Living Company for period of 6 to 12 months at a time.

    Our aim is for people to live in our homes for as long as they wish and are able to.

  • The Independent Living Company will work with you to build a SDA home, that suits your lifestyle and day-to-day needs.

    Our homes are designed to be customised to meet your individual needs.

    Our homes are designed to meet the NDIS SDA design standards, providing a high level of accessibility and functionality.

    Click here to download the SDA Design standards.

  • No. We are solely an SDA provider and do not provide support services. We will work collaboratively with participants, SILs and care providers to design and build homes where you can receive support and care from you choice of service providers.

  • Our core focus is building SDA homes for participants who require housing, no matter which SDA category your needs fall under. We will build homes to cater for Improved Liveability, Fully Accessible, Robust and High Physical Support.

  • We are building an number of different dwelling types including duplex, villa, townhouse, apartments and houses.

  • We can help you on the journey to design, build and manage SDA for your family members.

  • We have experience working with investors and can provide a platform for you to invest in SDA. Contact us to discuss further.